Here are some examples of the measures we have taken to make sure our site is widely accessible and compatible with a variety of assistive technologies.
In order to reduce page load-times, the images used on this site are as small in size as practical. We aim to tag images with appropriate ALT text so that visually impaired web users, or those who choose not to have images displayed, can still find out what an image shows.
This site is designed to be responsive. This means it will resize and reorder various elements in each page to fit your device’s screen in the best possible way. We may use tables or images on this site when they are the most appropriate way of presenting content. If we do so, we will aim to implement these so that people using assistive technologies, such as screen readers, can access them.
We aim for the majority of the text on this site to be re-sizeable. You can increase or decrease the text size of this site (and also on any other websites you visit) through your browser settings. You can also resize text on the majority of browsers by pressing CTRL and rolling your mouse wheel.
We use headings across this site. Not only do headings break up text and make it easier to read, but headings are also useful to people using screen readers.
We use style sheets to determine how this site looks and feels. You can turn off or replace the style sheet in most browsers; this removes background images and makes the text black on a white background.